Saturday, March 15, 2014

Life on Weekends

Make a memorable weekend morning.

Weekend is one of the best thing which can happen in a week. We all especially employees wait for it.

Most of us try to finish out pending work on weekend, some of us want to sleep tight on Saturday with a feel that we will do some good stuff on Sunday, few want to travel to their home town, bachelors want to washout their stinking clothes and blah blah blah .. but nothing turns out to be a blasting weekend.

So How to make every weekend memorable?

Its very important to sleep tight on Friday night. People often go to Friday night parties but half charged. And most of us end up with discussing about office topics. 

Friday night is best for looking out a wonderful place nearby (10 to 15 miles ) you. Ask your friends if they want to join for an adventure. If you are alone its best. If your friends are coming with you then its fantastic. 

Now here comes Saturday, Wake up early by 5:00 AM get ready and back pack some food and couple of aqua bottles. If you have a bicycle then its a boon. 

Get started for your destination. You will notice that the same roads will look extra beautiful extra fantastic extra exotic. 

You can see instagram effects directly by the nature.

Keep moving, you will feel the excitement. Run / paddle hard let the sweat come out. Let the cold breeze hit your skin .

Once you reach the destination pull out your phone take a snapshot upload it on Facebook.  You will get bundle of comments. 

Keep yourself hydrated all the time it will make you feel fresh. 

Do something childish, do not go beyond your body limits :)

Choose a rest point sit for a while have your break fast. 

Rest will upload in some time...